Click here for Episode 9 - An outside broadcast special - Commemorating the 400th Anniversary of the Martydom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
Sat Sri Akal
Welcome to Episode 9
NB Episode 9 of Sikhwithin is available immediately from i-tunes and from the link above approximately 24 hours after the date of this posting.
An outside broadcast special
Yes, we're back and sorry for being a couple of days late. The editing of this week's episode took a little longer than I thought. Normally our show is structured into five parts: Meanings, Shabad translation, History, Story and Inspirational music. However, this week's show is a different - using interviews to convey knowledge.
We start this weeks show with a track that lasts only 47 seconds by Russell Watson. I've always considered the words and title of this track to be quite deep, i.e: Faith of the Heart. It is a track that I often play to give or raise inspiration.
Commemorating the 400th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of the Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
This weeks episode is a special outside broadcast recorded at Trafalgar Square, London (UK) at an event on 19th June 2006. It was organised by the Network of Sikh Organisations (chaired by Sir Dr Interjit Singh OBE) to commemorate the 400th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of the Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
The episode consists of interviews with an MP, Religious representatives, the Scouts brigade and some the Sevadars handing out water and cold drinks.
I thought that by using the concept of interviews this could provide a different way to communicate knowledge about the importance of this event.
One Shadbad has been included at the end of this week's show. It is just after we leave the Trafalgar Square recording. The Shabad is entitled: Satgur Hoe Dayaal. It was written by Guru Amar Das Ji. Its translation is shown below and is sung by mother and daughter: Prabhu Nam Kaur and Snatam Kaur and is available on the CD: Mother's Blessing.
Satgur hoe dayaal ta sardhaa pooreeai
The True Guru is merciful - your trust is complete.
Satgur hoe dayaal na kabahoo jhooreeai
The True Guru is merciful - you will never pine away.
Satgur hoe dayaal taa dukh na jaaneeai
The True Guru is merciful - you will not know suffering.
Satgur hoe dayaal taa har rang maaneeai
The True Guru is merciful - you enjoy God's love.
Satgur hoe dayaal ta jam kaa dar kehaa
The True Guru is merciful - then, what reason is there to fear death?
Satgur hoe dayaal taa sad hee sukh dehaa
The True Guru is merciful - the body is ever in peace.
Satgur hoe dayaal taa nav nidh paaiai
The True Guru is merciful - the 9 treasures come to you.
Satgur hoe dayaal ta sach samaaeeai
The True Guru is merciful - then, you are absorbed in truth.
At the end of the show there are some dedications to a couple of listeners: Shaan Singh from Bowie, Maryland USA and Dr Raminder Singh from the UK. Thank you all for your contiued support.
A Thank you also to all the contributors of the show.
Photos/Pics from the day:
Suzanne Evans:

Sir Dr Inderjit Singh OBE:

People from different faiths coming together:

Sukhmani Kaur on one of the stands at Trafalgar Square:
A quick apology as I accidently deleted the audio interview I did on the drinks' s stand with Sukhmani Kaur and her friend.

Bob (Rob) Marris - Member of Parliment for Wolverhampton South West:

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All the best.
Gurfateh Ji!
Great BLOG makes interesting reading, it would be great if you would like to write for SIKHSPEAK.COM a free e-Magazine being set up.
Also enjoyed listening to the Snatam Kaur snippets!
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